Wrong to still have hope in the ending of my relationship?


my ex, and I were together for four years. We broke up last month but we’ve been in contact on and off not really giving each other any space to grieve the relationship. Over the years we’ve been on and off not having the best pattern that’s the biggest reason for our break up was the continuous of unhealthy patterns. We’ve had conversations my ex and I and he was unsure about getting back together due to the fear of getting back into unhealthy patterns and also he’s enjoying being by himself without the stress of the relationship. When asked about if he would want to try again he said he doesn’t know couldn’t give me a solid answer because he was unsure, but that he was leaning more towards being by himself. Wednesday I told him I understood and that I didn’t want to force him but that wouldn’t be enough for me. I told him that we should stop talking unless we were gonna get back together. I told him thank you for the four years and that I loved him and that I will respect his decision and leave him alone. He was extremely sad from the decision, but said he understood why I didn’t want to be friends. I told him to tell me there was no hope for us to get back together so that I can move on. He said he couldn’t tell me that because he doesn’t know that there is but he doesn’t want me to wait around that would be unfair. I told him you never knew and that’s not enough for me and that I loved him and wish him nothing but the best because he’s a good guy. he told me I was a great girlfriend and he knows I gave it my all and he said he will always love me. He wished me well and I told him goodbye. is it wrong that I still have hope for us that he will come around with space and time now that he knows I’m gone?

Wrong to still have hope in the ending of my relationship?
3 Opinion