What do you do to get over her?
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I never really got over her. At least not in every sense. To this day I'm still in love with her, but I learned to move on after getting therapy. As for how I would feel if I saw her, I don't really know. I haven't seen her in 11 years. I suppose I would be happy to see her, especially if I saw her living happily. I would probably feel nostalgic too and want to reminiscence with her.
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Only time can heal that kind-of thing.
10 Reply
What Guys Said
- 9 mo
For a moment, I think about the good times we had, and then how I can have good times with another woman too.
20 Reply - 9 mo
In my teens I would pine away for weeks. Now? Loud music (Completely opposite of the mushy stuff people like to use to wallow in self pity), Go out with friends, Go spend time with family.
Within a week and I'm fine.. If or when I saw her again, she would never see that she hurt me, and I would never let her back in my life.
IF however we broke up because of circumstance and it was nobody's fault? I'd remain friends with her assuming that was what she wanted and nothing more!10 Reply - 9 mo
When i was young, it was avoidance. Then i learned to focus on the good things. It’s tough, especially during the early days after a breakup. However, when we learn to be more selective, every relationship delivers good things into our life as well as some bad. Focusing on the good helps us get to a better place where we can be appreciative rather than focusing on the hurt.
10 Reply 423 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. The few women who broke my heart also revealed that they weren't the person I thought they were, and that made it easier to get over. And I haven't really been heartbroken in a very long time. I do a much better job of vetting now and don't let myself get emotionally invested nearly as fast as I did when I was young. So I guess my advice would be to vet well, take things slowly, and if it's over, make a clean break and don't expect or try to get her back.
10 ReplyI haven't seen her yet. And I hope I don't. I'll probably get triggered. I can never get over how she ruined things. It's been 2 years now. Maybe someday I'll be able to let go of the past, just not yet.
110 Reply- 9 mo
2 years? So if you see her again, what’s gonna happen? Have you cut her off completely?
- 9 mo
🥲 this opinion was supposed to go anonymous
- 9 mo
I honestly don't know what will happen. I'm not someone who gets riled up easily, but when it comes to her, I do.
Have I cut her off completely? I guess...
I haven't blocked her. I just don't talk to her anymore. No contacts whatsoever. Archived all photos (she asked me to delete) as well as her number. 😂 and then a permanent hiatus from all the social media I used to interact with her. I could always block her, but then I'd be tempted to unblock... so goodbye Instagram and Snapchat. - 9 mo
So you delete her off Snapchat and all socials? Or just leave it the way it is?
- 9 mo
I didn't delet her anywhere. I deleted my Instagram and Snapchat account. It doesn't make much of a difference. I never really used those two apps much. It was only to talk to her. With her gone, there's no reason for me to stay on those two social media. Besides, I'll get the urge to keep checking stories and her snap score 😂 which keeps reminding me that she has time for everyone else, but me.
- 9 mo
So if a man deletes a woman online, is he over her?
- 9 mo
I never said that 😂. I did whatever I did to keep my sanity. I don't know how others view it. Some say, I'm not over her. Some say, I need to go out and date others. All I know is that this one time really messed me up and I'm not going to redo what I did. I certainly don't have any feelings towards her (no love, no hatred, no anger). I'm just trying to get my life organised.
- 9 mo
You don’t have feelings for her, yet if you see her, you’ll get triggered… 🤔
- 9 mo
😅 let's just say that it stings when you lose your closest and your only friend and for no reason.
- 9 mo
It does..
- 9 mo
Me? I'm just really pissed off for about a week. Afterwards ther is a wave of depression that lasts about a month or two. After that I'm back to my normal, single, serious self.
13 Reply- 9 mo
I wouldn't call them an ex. Does on date and a month of texting really grant them that title?
- 9 mo
I'm more frustrated about the time they wasted rather than the money.
- 9 mo
Still haven’t had my heart broken. I imagine a grieving period maybe a couple of days then life goes on.
12 Reply- 9 mo
Not yet…
I’m kinda jealous like I’m missing out one a major life lesson.
id feel so betrayed and sad, at the same time i would be angry as fuck and try to cut her out of my life and let her know what she did was wrong. be very frank, be direct, and be respectful but let her know exactly how you feel.
10 Reply- 9 mo
I wouldn't do anything and I wouldn't be heartbroken. I would just erase all memory of her from my life and go on like nothing happened
10 Reply - 9 mo
little bit of anxiety then I avoid eye contact, I get really jealous if I see her with another man.
10 Reply For me its a long time ago now, and all I feel is indifference.
10 Reply307 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. I leave her be. She doesn't give a fuck about me 🤷
10 Reply- 9 mo
I don't have a heart. I'm sorry you didn't hurt me. I don't think about you at all.
10 Reply Find another woman. But that has never happened to me
11 Reply- 9 mo
@Pinay_ako Thank you for the Like
I act like I accepted It and moved on.
because she never really cared even though she didn’t mean any harm.
10 Reply- 9 mo
Look, sister, I am an Italian nationalist. I am not in love with any girl other than Italian girls, and since those girls are Italian, I will never break their hearts and they will not break my heart because I am also an Italian.
00 Reply - 9 mo
Accept the broke up and move on to the next chapter
00 Reply u
9 mono... they made me happy AF...
10 Reply- 9 mo
Same way I handle everything, Scotch helps
10 Reply new partner asap!
10 Reply- 9 mo
Try to be friendly
10 Reply - 9 mo
I don't care
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