Why Men are Sometimes Justified in Avoiding Monogamy

Why Men are Sometimes Justified in Avoiding Monogamy

These are typical things you will hear a woman say when it comes to sex and relationships:

"make him wait"

"there is only one thing on his mind"

"ugh, player... so repulsive"

"he just wants to USE me for sex"

"I am NOT an object"

Men that just want one night stands or non-comitted sex type relationships are often frowned upon as womanisers (as if sex was something that was only pleasurable for the man and that women get 'used' for sex). In fact lots of women demand men settle into a long-term monogamous relationship before they will even consider sex and maybe even marriage. Lots of conventional dating websites and magazines for women will by and large offer the same perspective: "make him wait".

Men that don't agree with this advice will get little sympathy from women nor from society by and large. This is in contrast to the notion that society idolises the player - this is not strictly true, or if it is true it is only true after the fact. Before men 'score' (again assuming women have nothing to gain or 'score' themselves from sex), society will typically offer the same advice as popstar Beyonce: 'put a ring on it'.

But this advice is neither fair nor pratical in a commercialised world where more and more women are being promiscuous, especially favouring a small minority of high status males - celebrities, very attractive models, and wealthy, successful men. The majority of men outside this clique will by and large be inexperienced and yet asked to wait for sex, maybe even choosing just one woman as their lifetime partner. This is in spite of being more sexually experienced than a woman.

What's wrong with this? For one thing, it's plain hypocrisy: women can sleep with whomever they want to ("go feminism!") while men are demonised for owning their sexual desires and not wanting to be with a partner who denies them this ("you can't have your cake and eat it ... why would anyone want their cake if they couldn't eat it anyway"). Maybe more men would put up with the fact their dates were not promiscuous if their long-term partners weren't either. But as it stands, women typically demand the double standard of being 'treated like a princess and f**ked like a slut'.

This is not to mention the fact that men don't feel like being strung along in a relationship for months on end wooing and courting their woman all with the vague possibility of something more while the woman decides how she 'feels'. What's more is that most men would wonder why all these other guys were so special that they did NOT have to wait for sex and if that's really the case that they simply were more *worth it* why would this girl wasting time on this new guy who isn't *worth it* for a relationship.

Next time you read cosmopolitan magazine then, and it tells you to apply the '3 month rule' maybe you should be thinking about your own integrity (are you a virgin?) and whether it's worth alienating good men because society tells you that all men are horndogs that want to treat you like a piece of meat. Also, are you really being 'used' for sex, or do you CHOOSE to have sex with a man because you are attracted to him, you genuinely enjoy sex and you feel that sex with this man would be worth it? If not, then maybe you should not be having sex full stop, because sex is not about doing something because the other person 'needs' it.

Why Men are Sometimes Justified in Avoiding Monogamy
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