How Breaking Up, Fixed My Relationship!

How Breaking Up, Fixed My Relationship!

1. If they love you, they will come back

Let's be honest here. If someone loves you and genuinely wants to be with you- no amount of time or space can make their feelings disappear. If things aren't working out and you take a break or break up with them, they should still want to make things right and will wait until you're ready to talk.

2. Distance makes the heart grow fonder

Distance makes people miss each other. If there are too many fights and contradictions that cannot be resolved by talking, time apart will help people evaluate things on their own and decide what they want.

3. Not being afraid to lose someone is a problem

If someone is taking you for granted, knowing that no matter how they treat you, you will forgive them and still stick around- that is an issue. They should know that they need to respect you and your time, and that you can walk away if not treated properly.

How Breaking Up, Fixed My Relationship!
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