Why you shouldn't date someone who looks way more attractive than you


There are advantages but there's also disadvantages too. I'm a 10 out of 10 and I know about this so I'm trying to warn you.

Don't do it
Don't do it

They won't be into you as much as you're into them

If the person you're dating is of higher mating value, then that definitely means they're definitely not going to be as excited as you are.

They will most likely use you for their own advantage

This person most likely knows that they're more attractive than you, so they'd expect you to kiss their ass because they know that you're the one who's getting the better deal. There's usually a reason why they decided to date you. For example, your money or your niceness is what they want to take an advantage of.

They're more likely to leave you for someone better

If someone is way more attractive than you, that means they have more dating options than you and won't lose anything for leaving you for someone better. What's the point of dating a person who's more likely to attract a lot of people who are better than you? That's a lot of competition. If they're more attractive than you, they most likely know there's better options or eventually realize that they can do better. So they'll eventually get tired of dating you and go for one of the better options.

It's very likely there's something wrong with them

Normal people aren't genuinely interested in dating someone who's less attractive than them. It's just the instincts of every species to not want to downgrade their genes. Why would a normal person decide to date someone who's less attractive than them? It's very likely that this person is downright mean, insecure, poor, lazy, drug addict, unbearably stupid, unfaithful, mentally ill, or etc. All these negative traits can lower a person's league. See also for more traits that determine a person's league

But if there's nothing wrong with them?

So what if the person who's more attractive than you doesn't have any serious issues, wasn't taking an advantage of you, and was really into you? This situation is very unlikely to occur. Break ups are very common these days. People's lives and minds can be complicated. Because it's rare for mentally sane people to date someone who's way less attractive than them, you most likely won't be able to find someone who's just as good if you break up with them. It will be a painful breakup for you. It will make your expectations higher and you will be disappointed when you can't find someone just as good, which will taint your future relationships with people who aren't just as good and it would make it unlikely for you to find love again.

Why you shouldn't date someone who looks way more attractive than you
84 Opinion