What men get wrong about women: the “Booking,” Secret to girls

What men get wrong about women: the “Booking,” Secret to girls

Years ago I had a friend who was obsessed with building his muscles and we were busing back from a group event with a third person who was my best friend and he asked me how much I liked the Indian student behind us on the bus, (we were speaking Chinese so nobody knew what we were saying), and I looked confused by his question and I asked him why he would assume I liked him, and his response was, “Of course you like him! Look how tall and fit he is.” I did not notice him.

Whether you believe in God or whether you believe in evolution, or whether you believe in both: the fact is identical which is that the female brain is biologically and mentally programmed to mute out irreverent and extraneous variables, people and outcomes so a woman who sees a good looking stranger that you think is cuter than Evan Spiegel, might find him less interesting than a garden weed.

We weren’t genetically programmed to fall madly in love with every attractive person we see which is why we are very good at not caring or noticing how attractive other people are. I only care in certain contexts. Just like you only care about the menu if you are already agreed to eat at that particular restaurant with your friends and will ignore the menu if it belongs to the wrong restaurant.

So for me, the booking secret is, people don’t care how interesting the book is when they don’t have the time or money to read it because there is a limited number of books you can fit into your schedule each week, you can think of that as an allegory for love.

What men get wrong about women: the “Booking,” Secret to girls
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