Better to date transgirls? My short analysis

Disclaimer: This is not to convince you to date transgirls. If you are not interested in (dating) transgirls even for just 0.01% right now, this is probably not the reading material for you.

Disclaimer 2: I still love women. Contrary to what you're about to read.

I remember certain women being angry at me (for whatever trivial reason if any - probably just wanted to blow off steam without having any ounce of anger management skills) and giving me the same old classic unoriginal and meaningless insults specifically about me having preferences being homo se xual. You can imagine the rest where this goes.

Therefore I have made for myself some things here. I'm sure these same women won't hear back. Not, that it matters anyway. They won't listen, won't read, won't care, won't respond. It matters not.

What matters is in which ways *can* transgirls be the "better alternative" in dating and can women take notes from these and will they even bother?

  • No flakiness and unnecessary complications. Less often being ignored or left on read.
  • No fuss about me having to pay for everything only because of what is between my legs or because i initiated the date ( because girls almost never do that themselves).
  • Probably much easier to get (and i don't necessarily mean into bed).
  • They know what type of BS men deal with overall and in dating and can make it 10 times simpler for us by not doing what most girls are doing by default, which makes dating feel more than a chore.
  • They Probably don't overvalue themselves from all the insincere flatterers they might get (the internet loves to use a certain 4-5 letter word for it, that I refuse to partake in). I know i got these when my profile picture was a realistic female robot and i'm a blue account! i knew immediately they were insincere flatterers. The same one's, that inflate women's perceived self value beyond healthy amounts, which leads me to the next point:
  • While transgirls see 100% of men they most likely don't have tunnel vision for only the top 20% of men (and then go ahead and internally think all men [fill in the blank]).

Of course these points are not confirmed facts and there are always exceptions to the rule and deviations in both sides.

Transgirls are probably the new girls, that are needed today. I can totally work with that. they are basically like women but without causing the same old issues, that most women are causing. 😍 i like it. What am i waiting for...

Better to date transgirls? My short analysis
Better to date transgirls? My short analysis
Better to date transgirls? My short analysis
Better to date transgirls? My short analysis
Better to date transgirls? My short analysis
Better to date transgirls? My short analysis
Better to date transgirls? My short analysis
Better to date transgirls? My short analysis
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