Things That Have No Place In The Dating World

Things That Have No Place In The Dating World<br />

Dating, is hard in it's own right. It's scary allowing yourself to open your heart to someone and be vulnerable and to even trust. Things are made even harder by certain things people actually consider, before dating someone. I see a lot of things on here and everywhere, that to me seem quite asinine and have nothing to do with a person. So, here are some things I think have no place in the dating world.

Race/Skin color- I see questions on here all the time about "why don't men/women like black, Asian,hispanic women/men" Or "would you date someone of another race". Etc, etc. I personally, don't think race or skin color should even be a deciding factor in whether you ask someone out or not. If you like them, you like them. If don't, that's fine too. Just don't make someone's race or skin color apart of it, because that's what they look like but it's not who they are as a person. Keep that in mind.

Height- I see a lot of guys on here asking women why they only like tall guys and not short. The reasons why women say they do, well they make no sense to me. This is not Six Flags Great America, where you have to be "This tall to ride". A persons height is not who they are. It's just how tall they are and should not be a deciding factor in whether you date them or not.

Hair Length- I hear a lot that men don't like short hair on women, because "it makes a women less feminine". Really? Well, have you told this fantastic theory, to a big burly MALE construction worker with long hair? I'm sure he'd love to here your theory. That is, if he doesn't kick your ass first for calling him a chick. I get that women have always had long hair and men have always had short, but that doesn't matter. A persons hair length, is not a sign of their femininity or masculinity. It's just hair and should not be deciding factor in whether you date someone or not, that's just as ridiculous as the height thing.

Being an "Alpha" male- I see this on here all the time and I have no idea about this "Alpha/Beta" male business, nor do I want to. Because, I don't care! It's really sad that we have to pit men against each other and give one a label that makes them seem superior to other males, when in fact they are not. Let me also point a few things out 1) This is not the wilderness and men are not wolves, where there needs to be an alpha male to lead the pack or else they won't survive 2) Everytime I hear "alpha" I think of one of those college fraternities, guys try so hard to get into. 3) This is not 50 shades of Grey. The men are not Christian Grey and the women are not Anastasia. No one realistically wants someone who controls them and gets laid everynight, they just don't. Thus bringing me to, this does not belong in the dating world or anywhere in the world general. It's just plain stupid if you ask me.

Money, sex and other- Picking someone based on how much money they make, is wrong. Being with someone solely for the sex, is wrong. Deciding if you want to date someone or not because, they play video games, where sponage bob boxer shorts, have teenage mutant ninja turtle bed sheets, don't go to the gym, don't like your music, don't like sports, don't like vegetables or are a vegetarian, etc, etc. Are stupid things to even consider, when dating. Because, this is all meaningless stuff that doesn't really matter in the grander scheme of things.

I realize they are some races/ religions that have to date within that race / religion. I know that everyone has a type that they are attracted to, which I get. I get both those things. What I'm talking about is the people that turn into an obsession to the point they won't give anyone else a chance and treat the ones who don't fit THEIR type, like crap. That is a problem, because in the end what matters is not what they look like. It's what kind of person they are, what kind of connection/chemistry you have and what you can bring to the each others lives. All this other stuff is just petty and trival to the things that really matter in the long run if you want a commited relationship.

So, those are the things that I feel don't have a place in the dating world. If you have any you'd like to add, feel free. Thanks.

Things That Have No Place In The Dating World
Post Opinion