I can't tell if my coworker likes me or not?

Okay so there is a guy that I like from work his name is Aaron. Aaron usually worked the day shift and I work the night shift so I hardly got to see him when I started working. Well he started staying later so I started to see him and the first night that he seen me he didn't even introduce himself to me or talk to me. Aaron followed my Instagram after he got off work that night and he has stared at me some.

Aaron's friend Trey liked me and Trey would flirt with me. Trey told me that Aaron told Trey that he followed my Instagram and Trey said that Aaron would make faces at Trey because Aaron thought Trey was flirting with me... a few days later I posted my snapchat username on my Instagram story and Aaron looked at my story and added me on snapchat and ever since then Aaron has looked at ALL of my Instagram/Snapchat stories.. a few days after that people were asking me questions over snapchat and somebody asked me if I liked Trey and I had to post it on my story and Aaron seen it and told Trey. Aaron talks to me some, but he seems shy around me. He treats all the other girls at work like "one of the guys" except for me and I know Aaron and Trey talk about me because Trey admitted to it. Aside from that, I throw away Aaron's trash while he hangs tags on boxes at work and he pretends to get upset because I throw his trash away... not to mention Aaron likes all of my selfies that I've posted since he started following me.

Does Aaron like me? I really need help. I really like Aaron, but I'm afraid to tell him how I feel because I don't know if he feels the same or not.
yes Aaron likes me
no Aaron doesn't like me
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I can't tell if my coworker likes me or not?
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