Help! How do I deal with this girl going on my bf’s “boys” cabin trip?

My boyfriend & his friend group are going on a cabin trip and they invited one girl. It’s a girl that my boyfriend has hooked up with before, was considering losing his v-card to at one point, and who tried to kiss him while she 100% knew we were first talking!!

I am very uncomfortable with him going on a multiple day& night trip and sleeping in the same cabin as her. The thing is, I trust him but I don’t trust her. I feel like she will use this as an opportunity to try and make me mad because she gets to go on an overnight trip with my boyfriend and I don’t.

The group isn’t sure if she can go yet, but he doesn’t know if he should go if she confirms that she can go. I don’t want to seem controlling and tell him not to go but I feel so uncomfortable with it. I’ve already talked to him about it and we are both on the fence. Advice?
Help! How do I deal with this girl going on my bf’s “boys” cabin trip?
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