Would it be bad for me to ask my boyfriend what he sees in me/why he loves me?

I just want to know why he would want to be with someone like me that is so awkward around his family , doesn’t look people in the face, doesn’t know what to say around people stuff like that. Yesterday I was hanging with his family and although I did try to talk to them I felt like I still made a fool out of myself because I was very shy and uncomfortable I was so nervous that I didn’t look at their face a lot i was looking down. I just feel a bit embarrassed and like I made them feel uncomfortable I still enjoyed playing pool with my boyfriend, his brother, and his wife but most of the time I felt so uncomfortable I wanted to leave the whole time there were 5 of his family members there and we talked so much I didn’t know what to do so I kept on looking at my phone not knowing what to say or anything I just felt so uncomfortable. I don’t know what my boyfriend sees in me that he wants to marry me and I have a feeling that his family wonders that too I can’t even look people in the face (people that aren’t him) because I get so tense
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I don’t think that his dad dislikes me or anything but I think he didn’t want to sit in front of me because he kept talking to his step daughter asking if she wanted to sit outside i think I just make people uncomfortable with my awkwardness
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I didn’t ask
Would it be bad for me to ask my boyfriend what he sees in me/why he loves me?
27 Opinion