Is being too "in love" a bad idea?

Being in love is great right? That "high" happiness that your lover can take you where nobody else can. Its so addicting. You just can't get enough of the person. Just like you can't get enough of cocaine. You want to spend 24/7 around this person. You text them all day everyday. You think about them every hour of the day. You are so consumed by this person that you have forgotten how to be happy on your own without them. You've been so addicted to / consumed by them for so long that you've neglected and forgotten everything else that used to give you joy in life. As a result, you can't live without this person. Nothing else exists in your life other than this person.

Once you get dumped / divorced by this lover, its like half your heart or half your world being torn away from you. One side of you is dead forever and it will never ever recover. Life can't ever be the same without them again. Nobody can make your life as lively and rosy again. there's nothing left to your life because your lover was your everything. It'll take YEARS for you to recover but even if you do recover, you will never ever be the same person again

Isn't it a bad idea to ever get too "addicted" to someone? Such as to be so consumed for them that you lose your sense of self. You forget how to be happy on your own.
Is being too "in love" a bad idea?
3 Opinion