Ladies, how do you feel about a man who is introverted and socially reserved in public but is a very affectionate lover behind closed doors?

That basically describes me. I don't necessarily hate people (I do have constant skepticism towards people in general) in general but I am a massive introvert who is a bit socially awkward and emotionally cold on the surface out in public but behind closed doors alone between me and my hypothetical SO, I'm a very huge touchy feeling affectionate guy with a woman once that woman has completely earned my trust to be in a serious relationship.

I don't know if that would make me fall under the "shy guy" category since I don't randomly go around trying to pick up women. The only time I pick up girls is when I'm at parties with a few trustworthy friends.
I find such type of men cute, adorable, and/or hot.
Such type of men come off as awkward and difficult to me.
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Ladies, how do you feel about a man who is introverted and socially reserved in public but is a very affectionate lover behind closed doors?
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