What is the maximum distance I should set on my Tinder?

Honestly, let me just say that I do not drive.

I have not ever gotten a driver license because I don't have the time or even the need to drive a car or motorcycle.

I go on a bicycle ride, take the bus, the train, or an Uber at best.

I walk or sometimes ride my bike to the gym. I'm often at the gym with either my buddy or my job coach. I also volunteer at a thrift shop two days a week. I go to the library once a week to do some job hunting (even though I already have a job).

Once a week I bike to my old college and back for about an hour. I do that nowadays instead of walking or jogging.
1 mile
2 miles
5 miles
10 miles
50 miles
100 miles
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Let me add that I live nearby Los Angeles in the metro area...
What is the maximum distance I should set on my Tinder?
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