Do you agree that going for older women is actually a bad idea for men?

The guy in the video bring up a lot of good points on the downside of older woman. For one they often get more bitter, jaded and numb to dating the older they get since they've been on so many date with men in the past. You are just another dude she has to go out on a date with until she finds one willing to commit to LTR/husband and babies.

In addition, the expectation and standards for older women don't go down but up. Sure women may be more lax on physicals a little but everything else goes up on what they expect of you due to her thinking she is more valuable now despite losing on a lot of things that men value, such as fertility and youth.

Lastly, older women will hop on different male hating movements and try to encourage other women in hating men and being single because misery likes company.
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Do you agree that going for older women is actually a bad idea for men?
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