I was ghosted by my girlfriend of a year. I feel like I'm done trying. What should I do?

Hey, so. I was (21M at the the time 22 now) in a relationship for a year with a woman I met some time ago (24F then now 25). Everything seemed to go okay. Then all of a sudden, she just vanishes, after having dinner with her one night. I'll be honest, this hasn't happened to me just once. With previous parnters.

It's been two weeks since she last we last saw each other.

I tried reaching out, nothing.
I'm feeling so defeated in a lot of ways. I just don't even want to try anymore, with relationships. Not saying ALL women do this, but just the ones I've seen and dated. I've never lied to her about anything, I was always transparent about my feelings, went out of my way to help her in anyway I could, even leaving some of my classes early to care for her when she was sick.
I feel like I just can't keep jumping in a line of fire for someone who just gonna pull the trigger anyway. I don't think I've ever shed a tear for anyone like her, because I felt fullfilled in a lot of ways. Was any of this my fault? I'm just desparate for answers. Please just don't jump down my throat telling me I need to grow a pair, or I'm weak. I just need some clarity.
I was ghosted by my girlfriend of a year. I feel like I'm done trying. What should I do?
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