Best way to greet your date on your first date?


What would you say that is? Let's say you've recently just met and one of you asked the other out and you agreed to meet up for a date on the weekend (seriously just an example).

I personally hate the idea of a handshake. It's like you're on a business meeting or something.

It is hard to say what you can do without making them feel uncomfortable, that is a FACT but I think a greeting with a genuine smile while complimenting them "You look lovely" (or something like that) with a light kiss on the cheek is the BEST... at least for me.

I'd definitely appreciate that more over a handshake lol

I think a hug is maybe a bit too much.

A handshake
A kiss on the cheek
A hug
No touch - just saying "Hi"
Other (please explain)
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Best way to greet your date on your first date?
29 Opinion