A question on attraction?

When it comes to attraction/sexual attraction: I've noticed that if someone has a good body w/ an unattractive face I feel no capacity for desire towards them. However, If their face is attractive and their body isn’t “ideal” then I really don’t give a shit and would still fuck. Like? I understand that everybody has their own personal preference and yadayada but I just find this to be so weird about myself because most people I’ve talked to feel the other way around.

Will this ever change? Lol I want to be able to love someone’s personality and genuinely adore them in an unconditional manner but I also wanna feel happy to engage in romantic things w/ them w/ out having this “*if only I felt some sort of fire within looking at them* but they’re an amazing human that I love anyway so I can’t be picky ~like that~ and must stay realistic w/ these things” type thoughts.

Like… the lines feel so blurred within what is considered shallow and what is considered personal preference?

Yeah, I don't know, I just know I want love but don’t want it w/ someone I’m not attracted to via face 🙃 like wtf is wrong w/ me🙃hope this feeling changes maybe? Eventually? Who knows
A question on attraction?
3 Opinion