Boyfriend is extra lovey on Social Media, I don’t like it?

My boyfriend is extremelyyy lovey dovey on social media…every time I post something it’s “omg baby you’re so beautiful I love you so much 🥰🥰🥰 “
Which is a very sweet thing, but public affection makes be very uncomfortable for some reason. I’d much rather a simple “cutie” or even something silly.
I haven’t addressed it because I feel evil, but I literally refrain from posting lately bc of it.

Am I just a horrible person or is it normal to feel how I feel? How should I bring it up to him if I ever do? I wouldn’t really mind if it wasn’t every single time. I’m also not big on “I love you” being thrown around every minute, loses meaning to me
Boyfriend is extra lovey on Social Media, I don’t like it?
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