Do I sound bitter towards men or just uninterested?


28F, I've been asked if I’m asexual when I share my lack of sex drive & dating experience. I haven’t masturbated in years or had sex, if I never have it again I don’t think I’d be too upset. I don’t know if my looks are the issue I don’t think they are, there’s clearly a lot of other people worse off that find relationships lol. I’ve only used the dating apps since I don’t have a social life, getting likes/matches/msgs aren’t the issue it’s finding a connection. I find a lot of men attractive, have celebrity crushes etc. I’m attracted to men but with the men I’ve communicated with throughout the years, I’m turned off by their asshole tendencies. I know there’s good guys out there, regardless of how genuine they seem deep down I know they’re conceited & that behavior will come out eventually. Maybe I’m bitter or just lost interest in finding a guy to date, in a way I feel like I’m saving myself from that unnecessary frustration. I have a very short fuse but I’ll let you all put in your two cents

Not interested
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Do I sound bitter towards men or just uninterested?
11 Opinion