Would you date someone attractive who believed in conspiracy theories?

Would you date someone attractive who believed in conspiracy theories?

For me it would depend on the kind of conspiracy theories honestly.

Although it's not exactly dating, I have a friend whom sometimes I take out for a beer or invite over who's very passionate about the "Great Reset" and important people being replaced by androids. She's a journalist and it's something of a joke for us that every time she posts something on Facebook I comment (see you in thirty days) since she often gets blocked by the platform.

Sometimes she complains she can't get a date despite being quite attractive and a great company to booth, and sometimes I suspect it might be because of her ideas.

1 y
Once she suspected that I was the one reporting her profile because of my "see you in 30 days" joke comment under her posts.
I had to show her my report log to demonstrate I was innocent, but she saw I had instead reported another friend for a bikini picture that I thought was too extreme. Thankfully she agreed to not rat me out.
Would you date someone attractive who believed in conspiracy theories?
40 Opinion