Why are we different when we are single and when we are in a relationship?


I try to compare my single self to my taken self.

When I was in a relationship:

I was acting more mature,

I was more patient, less impulsive,

less selfish, kinder, more empathetic,

more responsible, better person ,

I wasn’t flirty with anyone but my ex,

I was more empathetic even, different person from the butterfly life I live now.

Yes, I was still playful but I was also somehow a nicer person. (Which my ex didn’t always like as he said he fell for me when I was my selfish, impulsive, careless, unapologetic self -the way I am now)

I am now single and I am so flirty, so playful, acting silly, impulsive, impatient, selfish.

I feel like I lost my mind. What happened to me when I was so much more mature? How did I regress back to my 22 yo self again?

Yes, I am more experienced now and have learned more and I am probably still better than I was at 22, but I am also less mature and responsible than I was in a relationship.

Why are we different when we are single and when we are in a relationship?
22 Opinion