3 mo

Do you agree that handsome guys are more loyal than unattractive guys?


Generally people say that unattractive guys have a good heart and handsome guys are cheaters. But I oppose it. Because I seen most of the guys who are handsome as loyal guys and the guys who tend to be unattractive cheats on their girlfriends frequently, breaks the heart of their beautiful girlfriend who settled for less with them by mistaking that they are good guys who doesn't cheat on them but in reality I seen those beautiful girls getting treated like shit by their unattractive boyfriends. I seem more girls in loyal relationships when they have handsome boyfriend and not simply by that but personally I seen such handsome guys who are greatly loyal to their girlfriends. Do you agree with the fact that unattractive guys mostly are also unattractive by their hearts?

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Do you agree that handsome guys are more loyal than unattractive guys?
105 Opinion