3 mo

What am I doing wrong?


single for 3 years. Had many first dates, met many men, and have never found myself “dating” someone. Every guy I like, only sees me as fun and is either newly out of a relationship and “isn’t ready” or just isn’t interested. I do like younger men, I look young; I’m also fit and active and get along well with younger guys who are into the same things

attracting them isn’t the problem, but as soon as I expect anything more than fun from them; I get rejected.
i recently matched with a guy who’d been single only a few months. didn't talk much before meeting, met, he stayed over 2 nights in a row.. then messaged me 10 minutes after leaving…then we spoke all the time. Every single day multiple times, him initiating most of it. He introduced me to his work makes, he told his dad about taking me on a date etc, all the things that made me feel that he was keen. But then I noticed a shift in his messages after about a month. I messaged about maybe only seeing eachother (drunk text) to be told that he wasn’t ready for anything serious or to date and thought we were on the same page. And that now he “felt bad”

I said I was happy to take things slow but would like to see where it went. And he replied that he wouldn’t want to hurt me and that he’d be happy to still hang out even without sex. Ouch… this coming from the guy who had thought I was the hottest thing ever. It has left me feeling so confused and rejected and wondering what I’m doing wrong that no man I’m attracted to, wants to snatch me up as his own. Am I not feminine enough? Do I not give them enough of a chase? I really don’t know

This guy showed what I thought was all the signs of being interested, but still thought we were just “having fun”

What am I doing wrong?
8 Opinion