3 mo

Did I ruined my chance with her?


Me and this girl been talking for bout 5 months now. Right now I'm going through the classic case her treating her friends little better than me. But she likes me and admit I liked her.

She's a kind, funny, and sweet girl but has side of her that gets me bit annoyed. She treat her good friends like there fuck buddies but me like crumbles of affection. So I let her know. Like the way she flirting, sharing particular moments together ( with me) is not friends do ( are friends or do you like me). I told her we have 0 in common, we share moments when it's convenient fir her, and she seem more into another guy. So I backed off after letting her know.

She was mad. She admit her feelings to me and everything. Saying she feel we are more than friends. She list off some basic ass shit I can get any girl to do.

1) add me on her personal account only her family knows cause it's her real number.

2) tell me her private information about her family and her real home adress if wanted come over.

3) she put her heart into everything she do for me.

4) she's always there fir Me, and her friend she treat more kind. She says cause he's kind to her. 🙄

1) just give another account then, 2) bonding is more than sharing useless personal information. I told her I want know her mind. Not what food she ate, not salon she been to. I want to know how she feel. Not what she did at work with some guy, or what some guy texted her. I want know your hobbies, not her showing me her stuffed animals. 3) She's like they dont allow them to get inimate with her and she enjoy my company. 4) everytime she see him. I thought they fucked already. But assure me they are just friends. After that we made up. She wasn't her usual self but asked if I missed her over and over. She even stalked my social media and trying to see if talkn to other girls. I'm numb at this point. I kinda like her but her friendly ways confuses the fuck out of me.

Did I ruined my chance with her?
5 Opinion