3 mo

Are you happy with the change in the dating market?


I watched a video and they talked about how humanity has 2 options when it comes to the way dating goes. 1 is the traditional way where women get paired up with a man who is willing to take care of them for life. The other one we're going towards now is polygamy/harem. The women all think they can be with the rapper, the athlete, the actor etc. Because a famous guy might hit them up on instagram etc. But they get discarded because they're just one of hundreds. In the end everyone is not satisfied.

I'm not saying this is the case for every woman but compared to places where traditional marriage is still a thing this is very much where we are. Since I've just been to India I can say the differences are immense. The sexual liberation as they call it this is what it leads to. So are you happy with the results? If these 2 are the only 2 options which one do you think is better?

Are you happy with the change in the dating market?
Are you happy with the change in the dating market?
21 Opinion