Why do I only attract younger guys? I don't want to be a cougar!!?

I'm 27 years old, and single.
I've noticed a pattern that has happened all my adult life.
I've only been in one relationship, and he was one and a half years younger than me.
Guys I've made out with at events have basically ALL turned out to be younger than me. Making out at events isn't something that I do anymore,. but when I was around 20-22, I'd often find out later that the guy was 18.
I find I get a lot of younger guys flirting with me everywhere I go, but none who are my age, or slightly older, (but I do get those much older flirts too).
It was really the last straw last weekend, while I was sitting down, just a part of a group conversation, and a guy came to sit next to me, he sat quite close, and was very tactile/touchy, and incredibly friendly and flirty... I was being hit-on. He was clearly very young, (I later found out that was only 18!!). He asked me how old I was, and before I could answer, he said "are you one of those girls who looks a lot younger than you really are?". So obviously I do look young, BUT his comment made it evident that he somehow knew I was older. When he found out that I'm 27, he was a little shocked and surprised, but it still dudn't put him off, he continued to flirt.
I do look quite young for my age, but not THAT much younger. The majority of people guess I'm 21-23, give or take a few years. And I just don't undersrand why guys my age don't appear as interested, as wouldn't they still be interested in girls a few years younger? (so mistaking me for being younger shouldn't be a problem).
I dress modestly but attractively, and I do not dress like a teenager at all.
I don't act immaturely either. I'm a pretty responsible person, maybe a little reserved, most people describe me as "sweet and caring".
I am a smallish build, 168 cm's and 53 kg's... not sure if that would influence who may or may not be attracted to me.
But can someone please help me...
What am I doing wrong?
What is wrong with me?
Why do I only attract younger guys? I don't want to be a cougar!!?
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