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This is what ruins your Relationship
Let's make this clear BEING #CLINGY IS VENOM TO EVERY HEALTHY #RELATIONSHIP. I have been there myself ages ago, I know a lot of people of... Read More
Negative vibes in a Relationship...
No matter how stable your relationship seems, no matter how picture perfect MINE seems to many of you, it's not always this way.... Remember, this... Read More
Changing your Partners habits and quirks?
There are many reasons why there are so many clichés about the inability to change an Adult, especially your Significant Other. And I'm saying Adult because ever heard of the saying "You can't teach an old Dog new tricks" or "A tiger never changes its stripes" ? But why don't we see their...
Being Ideal vs Wanting To Improve
Knowing everything Vs. Wanting to know more Yes, some people just think they know it all, they have it all figured it out and they basially try to outshine every perspective of yours even if you state facts, JUST BECAUSE THAT PERSON HAS TO WIN.... or if you ask me, these people have an inflated...
Summer 2021 Trends - F -
My sight is completely set on summer 2021 , after this whole Pandemic issue starting from 2020, I have a huge desire to dress up again stronger than ever and we can finally (Maybe) enjoy this summer more than the last one. Let's admit , we all deserve it Growing up in a fashionista ambience and...
A little about Venice
I will be very personal with this MyTake, as I will post personal pictures , so be adviced that all the pictures you will see Below are either taken by me, or it's actually me on them... I'd appreciate it very much if you respect my transparency and not missuse my pictures due to copyright but...
What Women Really Want in a Man... displaying G@G community !
And as I promised, this is the female version of what WE want in a man, and I will also add my personal comment on this one (as a woman). As I did on my previous MyTake What Men Really Want in a Woman... I will be listing what the Ladies wishes are, and what they want from a Man. All the...
What Men Really Want in a Woman... displaying G@G community !
I love MyTakes that actually reflect real thoughts and words from our G@G community. The best part is that you guys are always cooperative and I appreciate it heartedly. So thank you so much for making us Women understand what you actually want from us (more or less lol) , and let's hope that...
Italy won and England had to do this...
I'm so dissapointed, not only because I'm Italian but also because I'm Human... What did we do to deserve this? DIGUSTING , was one word that comes to my mind about many incidents that happened during the soccer game and after as well... Let's start from the beginning when ENGLAND FANS WHERE...
The Silent Treatment Trap
Hello my special virtual amigos ... I'm so excited for this MyTake, also because if it wherent for you guys, I wouldn't be able nor inspired to write about this topic. Because I'm sure MOST if not ALL of us have been through a situation like this. Family member, friend, partner, collegue and...
Surviving the roads of Italy
Living in italy has its perks, obviously, I love it here, I would never leave my land and I would never even think about visiting some other place for more than a month. The humid warm weather The smell of food The smell of sea The greetings from our neighbors that hang out in their balconies...
I know plenty of Men... (Player Version)
Dear G@Gers ! I knew that there will be requests after the last MyTake I know plenty of Women ... (Money Version) And I want to make things clear, I'm a feminist, but i'm not a radical extremist (Being radical in general is bad, yikes) Feminism is whatever one wants it to be, as long as they do...
I know plenty of Women... (Money Version)
Hello my sweet friends, my G@G mood is rather funny lately, let me tell you why.... MEN and more MEN on G@G insist on generalizing women on so many OH SO MANY THINGS, they literally stand their ground about what they call "FACTS" , but let me tell you a secret: A LOT OF US DON'T GIVE A DAMN...
12 Things Women / Girls Won't Tell You
Hi there Amigos so I thought that I will give this Anonymous editor and to his fellow gentlemen something back (If you're interested). Maybe I will state the obvious with some points, and maybe something will even be eye opening for you who knows. Try to read his article first : 12 Things Guys...
Forgive and forget? Easier said than done? Is it even possible?
Long time no see my dear G@Gers, I hope some of you recognize me and I hope you can still enjoy my self-reflecting MyTakes. I also hope I find all of you well and in great shape !!! As always, each and every comment of yours counts, lets see if we can find a solution to this hectic mind terror....
Contact Lenses Vs. Eyeglasses
Hello my dear G@Gers I am back again with another remarkable Topic that concerns most of us. IT’S ALL ABOUT YOUR EYES Don’t forget, that your eyes are one of the most treasured organs of your body, so we need to appreciate and cherish them every day. The famous optical instrument is loosing it’s...
Sea Watch - Italians are hating Carola Rackete
Between 2016 and 2017, the number of migrants living in Italy increased by 97,000. And yes, sure, we did welcome them without a doubt. Who wouldn't ? (oh i know some who wouldn't). The maddest person about this issue is our Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini—who has made the “Italians...
Taking Things The Wrong Way - How to Get Rid of False Observations and Overreactions
We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it. ~ Abraham Lincoln Usually, when people look at you in a weird way, some of you automatically think "That person is hating me, that person does not like me or the way i act, or that person dislikes me for being me" Yes, at times it...
How I Lost Weight While Having Fun - In Only TWO Months !
I found out that Hooping is an amazing form of exercise for the entire body, it helps you burn calories to lose weight around your midsection (ESPECIALLY YOUR WAIST) and tone the muscles of your core for a slim and strong waist VERY VERY QUICKLY !!! And Trust me, even your BUTT will get in...
Jewellery Around The World - Facts and "Blings" - Part 12
Diamonds are a Girls best Friend !!! YES, but what do they mean in different cultures? It is so interesting to see that every peace of jewelry or every little pearl, symbolizes or shows something that is traditional and very important for that culture !!! China Hair ornament, gilded silver,...