The Silent Treatment Trap

Hello my special virtual amigos ...

I'm so excited for this MyTake, also because if it wherent for you guys, I wouldn't be able nor inspired to write about this topic. Because I'm sure MOST if not ALL of us have been through a situation like this. Family member, friend, partner, collegue and so on. This tactic is used by anyone no matter the relationship.

But i'm sure we feel more hurt when this happens with a partner or a parent....

Some of us might be guilty as charged and tried this manipulative tactic, some of us might have been victims of it, or all of the above.

I admit, I did it twice but they lasted just 1 hour and I will explain how we actually found common ground and solved this problem permanently. (7 Years of a happy relationship here guys so we must have done something right *shrugs*)

The Silent Treatment Trap

The Silent Treatment is regarded as a form of emotional manipulation and might go as far as psychological abuse... I thought about asking our G@G community for thoughts and Ideas, and I WAS SURPRISED that 99,9 % actually agreed on the same thing:

It's emotional abuse

I have selected a few answers that will proove to you that this tactic is literally sickening, but trust me I was surprised by most of you guys, you can click here and read all the answeres to yourself, there are more than 100 answers, i'm SIMPLY AMAZED BY HOW DIFFERENTLY PEOPLE ACRUALLY FEEL ABOUT THIS TOPIC, but they all have one thing in common, it's IMMATURE AND TOXIC.

The Silent Treatment Trap

Communicating is the key

The Silent Treatment Trap

Again, talking about what you want and how you want it, is just refreshing for every relationship

The Silent Treatment Trap

Again, talking talking talking, it's all about communication

A low percetange claimed that they are actually happy when their partner "shuts up", so they can enjoy silence and claim some "me time" ...

And this is when I get disturbed, this is when I loose all my elegance and nerves, i find it cruel to actually SEEK this treatment for your own gratification and satisfaction. This method, is even more toxic than silent treatment itself... Don't you agree?

I think it's wrong to provoke situations like these for your selfish reasons, instead, TALK, tell your partner that spending some time alone is actually healthy for the relationship. This is a legit fact, and it will refreshen every relationship no matter if it's hanging on a string or not.

The Silent Treatment Trap

As i said above, it happened to me, I DID IT, and i'm not proud of it. And to those that actually commented things like "I'd dump her right away" they should understand that everyone makes mistakes, some mistakes can be fixed, especially this particular one. But it always takes two, my partner confronted me, he made me understand that silence treatments in a relationship won't solve anything, because HE CAN'T READ MY MIND, so he doesn't know how to behave.

So I learned to talk, and ever since it never happened again. I understood, I knew that I can talk to him and it never happened ever since.

BUT HE OPENED THIS DOOR FOR ME, to save the relationship, he didn't leave me there saying that " THIS IS A PUNISHMENT " you cannot punish someone you love, it's useless it's senseless and it's ALSO TOXIC TO PUNISH PEOPLE THIS WAY....

The Silent Treatment Trap

Yes I'd rather discuss this even for hours, until we find a solution to whatever problem we're facing.

The Silent Treatment Trap

Yes, if this mistake is a repeated one, even after your partner gave you plenty of chances to talk and to solve, then it's a relationship that is destined to fail.

The Silent Treatment Trap

If you are suffering from this habit, as in you being someone that actually thinks that giving someone the silent treatment will resolve things, then you should seriously read each and every comment because they will help you reflect with yourself and you might even find a solution.

You have to know that this is TOXIC, you might think that punishing another person by not talking, and you might think that the other person will feel bad for you and that they will miss you, I mean that's the whole "logic" behind this tactic right... Well I have news for you


So Talk, don't be afraid to speak your mind, STAND YOUR GROUND if you think that there is something wrong, but don't give the object your silent treatment, it will even make them think that THEY WON OVER THIS, and will even enjoy the distance you give them....

I like to thank each and everyone that took their time to comment on my question, I appreciate every single one of you, because I'm sure this could be an eye opener to many people that swear to this toxic tactic...

I'm still waiting for more and more comments about this phenomenon, and continue to discuss it, learn from each other...

Many Hugs


P.s. Be adviced, I have asked for permission to the commenters in order to publish their answers, I did not publish nor did i missuse their comments and information, treat your fellow virtual amigos with respect and always ask before using a content that is not yours. I did not publish every comment even if i had permissione granted due to the length of this article.

The Silent Treatment Trap
Post Opinion