When you were a child what did you wanted to be when you grew up and why?


Same can go for when you were a teenager. Did you have the same career aspirations or did they completely change as you became older?

When I was a child the career aspirations that I had were to be either a pediatrician (I loved going to the pediatrician when I was a kid), a veterinarian, a teacher, a dentist, or a lawyer.

When I became a teenager my career aspirations were to either become an actress, a film director, funeral director/mortician, or if none of them were to work out I'd become a pediatric dentist and orthodontist

It wasn't until my junior year of high school that I decided to get a career in law enforcement by going to school to major in both criminal justice and forensics with my main interest/fascination in crime scene investigation. The reason being for this career choice (referring to crime scene investigation and forensics) was due to me having a fascination with death and what happens to the body after we die. I also had an interest in solving the causes of the person's reason for dying. It is also safe to say that Forensic Files, Crimes of the Century, and Very Scary People are my favorite true crime shows. And while away at university my forensic classes were also my favorite classes. I also took the psychology route as well cause I've always had a fascination on what went on inside a person's mind and what made them do what they did (i. e., what's the reasoning behind someone commiting a heinous crime) .

When you were a child what did you wanted to be when you grew up and why?
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