Is this fair towards me? Got banned from writing news articles for using too many big words and making illiterate people feel dumb?


This is the second time I got kicked out of a writers group for using too many big words and making uneducated people feel dumb. I've been kicked out of two groups so far for using big words. I don't use big words on this site but I've poised as educated doctors before by writing my own health profile and signing it with a doctors name, the professionals who read my profile did not know the difference.

It's okay to ban you
It's not fair
Neutral opinion
That is dependent on what you wrote and who banned you
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
1 y
I don’t know why I get so much passionate hate about it when you did not even read my writing, I was using technical terminology to analyze artwork and people felt my writing made other people feel dumb and said I was no longer allowed to write about art.
1 y
Also yesterday only 1 user said it was right to ban me and 3 hours later 4 users said it was right to ban me, clearly my female stalker is creating fake male profiles to vote on my question. I just blocked her again since she has dozens of accounts.
Is this fair towards me? Got banned from writing news articles for using too many big words and making illiterate people feel dumb?
8 Opinion