What should I do please?

I'm at university Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm, my schedule is different obviously but I'll just leave it like that so it is easier. I work part time 3 days a week. My shifs change but I can do 2 shifts after university for 6 to 8 hours. I work 12 hour days on Saturday and Sunday is my only day off.

I am awake depending on what shift I do at work. If I am not at work that day, I am home from university by 6pm. I am normally so tired I fall straight asleep. I wake up around 12am. I shower, get food and then do all my assignments, clean etc.

If I do have a shift after university I normally start at 6pm and then do my shift. Normally I finish at 1am. I sometimes I eat and sometimes shower by generally I am bed as soon as as I get in. Some of my university days are at home and I start later than 9am. But if I am on campus that day I am up by 8am.

I'm usually late to classes depending on the day. I generally wear the same clothes as I don't have time to do washing. I drink a lot of coffee. I am not kidding. I buy the cheapest coffee I can find and carry around a jar of it. I need hot water and I am good to go. I nap whenever really. I do my assignments on breaks or on the train.

Saturday's are the worst days, especially if I am at work the night before. My normal shift is from 12pm to 1am, this is because of my 1 hour break. I normally split my break into two half an hour ones. When I get in the door from work on Sunday morning, normally around 2am. I fall asleep instantly. I wake up around 2pm. I am up till about 2am and the cycle starts all over again.

It was worse before. I did more shifts, took extra classes and I was volunteering. I got exhausted and was in hospital. This is cut down but even now it is to much. My boyfriend works full time and even with his and my wages we can still not afford much. We will have to go to a food bank now as we are not entitled to any help. And I don't want to take out another student loan again.

Post continued in update ❤️
1 y
We also have 3 dogs who we rescued. We have to pay for a dog sitter/walker as we are never at home. I don't want to do it but we are going have to give them to a family member and if that doesn't work then they will have ti go back into a keenel and most likely be put down this time ☹️
1 y
I think I have solved my problem in this post. Food bank and take the dogs to a family members for a while. We have sold almost everything we can. Our family are struggling as well so they can't help. Everyone is struggling. Our rent is going up again at the end of the month. About the same as our monthly food shop. Yeah we are going to have to go to a food bank 😔
What should I do please?
2 Opinion