How would you feel if you traveled all that way along the yellow brick road only to realize the wizard of oz was just a regular guy after all?

How would you feel if you traveled all that way along the yellow brick road only to realize the wizard of oz was just a regular guy after all?

I never asked for this
Or planned it in advance
I was merely blown here
By the winds of chance
I never saw myself
As a Solomon or Socrates
I knew who I was:
One of your dime a dozen

Id be pretty pissed
Id assassinate him right there for wasting my time
Id be ok with that because it was all about the journey for me, not the destination
Well at least i know the truth now
Id have my lion buddy tear him to shreds and eat him
But i wanted to see magic from the ‘wizard’ 😩
Id feel differently (say howd youd feel in this scenario)
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How would you feel if you traveled all that way along the yellow brick road only to realize the wizard of oz was just a regular guy after all?
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