I don’t understand how that happened can someone explain and help?


Hey hope everyone is doing good I just wanted to ask about something that for once isn’t boy related. So I am on Snapchat and I am a frequent user like I have a public story account and a private one when I do anything such as live my gameplays I also post them to my public and private story on Snapchat. Anyways I am quiet shy when it comes to things like that but I was on my Snapchat looking for my friends message on a post she commented on and I realised I gained 5.0K followers I know that still a little under but I am shocked and excited I don’t know how that happened but does that mean I have 5.0K subscribers on Snapchat can someone tell me.

Also I am very shy so for someone like me to get that number is a big deal and quiet anxious as well…

I don’t understand how that happened can someone explain and help?
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