Is it bad when a person is sharing something personal about themselves for you to in turn share something personal and related to that?

Or should i instead not do that and just focus all on the other person sharing their story?

I usually try to share something similar to what they share with me. the intention is to make them feel less alone or abnormal about their ordeal. but on the other hand it might come across as making their story about me.

So for instance someone might share how they were broken up with and in turn i'd share an experience about how i was broken up with myself. Is this bad? Should i not do this?
It can be bad. Just focus on them, don't try to relate to it or is might feel like you're making it about you instead of them
no its fine! i like it even when someone also shares something personal related to my personal story
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ok maybe i'll have to rethink how i try to help people. cause i always thought sharing similar experiences helps people handle their own
Is it bad when a person is sharing something personal about themselves for you to in turn share something personal and related to that?
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