Do you think it's inappropriate or appropriate for a parent to kiss their child on the lips?

I never knew this was a controversial subject. I grew up kissing my parents or family on the lips as a young girl. I kissed my son on the lips as a young child and same with my daughter.

What's disturbing to me is people who really think a peck on your child's lips from a parent is wrong because it's associated as an intimate act between 2 people. It also disturbs me when people turn something so beautiful and innocent into something dirty.

Why don't we just not hug our kids either since hugging can be associated as an intimate act between two people too?
Do you think its inappropriate or appropriate for a parent to kiss their child on the lips?
Do you think its inappropriate or appropriate for a parent to kiss their child on the lips?
It's appropriate to kiss your child on the lips.
It's inappropriate to kiss your child on the lips.
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+1 y
Glad to see so far the majority of people aren't against it. xoxoxo hugs & kisses.😘
Do you think it's inappropriate or appropriate for a parent to kiss their child on the lips?
97 Opinion