How do you get kids to help out around the house?

Kids just want to do nothing but play video games. They don't want to pick up after themselves or do anything to help around the house. How about offering rewards to do certain chores, like 50 cents to pick up their rooms? Then they can use the money to buy themselves something when they save up some money. What do you do/ or did to get kids to be more responsible?
Us? Help out?
Us? Help out?
Offer rewards if they do and take privileges away if they don't.
If they leave their stuff laying around instead of picking up after themselves it goes in the trash
Get a big paddle out and take practice swings in front of them and see how fast they move
What were your techniques that worked?
I don't have any little brats and now you know why.
Sell them to the gypsies.
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How do you get kids to help out around the house?
38 Opinion