When did you finally move out of your parents house?

When did you finally move out of your parents house?
When did you finally move out of your parents house?
When did you finally move out of your parents house?

At what age did you permanently move out of your parents' home?

I grew up dirt poor, so didn't move out of my mom's house until I was 26 going on 27, but that only lasted six months, and I had to move back in again. I didn't permanently move out until I was 28. A little embarrassing I know, but I can't help the fact I grew up with no f*ckin' money and was a young adult during the US housing recession! If it helps, I was never a NEET! (Unemployed and not in college.) I was always working, had to pay rent every month, and was in college during this time.

1 y
Glad I'm not the only one who moved out in my mid twenties. I felt like such a loser, cause you hear everyone else moving out at 18 to 22, and instantly being successful at living completely on their own.
When did you finally move out of your parents house?
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