Who was your childhood fear?


We all have heard a scary legend or myth from our parents and grandparents when we were kids to keep a control on our notorious acts. For me and my father sided cousins, our childhood fear was the 'Tiffin Ghoul'. My dad and his siblings grew up with this legend, this is actually quite popular in my Dynasty. Every child of with my clan's blood fears the Tiffin Ghoul. It is said that if you don't eat you food and disobey your parents then the Tiffin Ghoul will kidnap you when you're on your way to school and tie you inside his creepy castle where he will eat your tiffin box infront of you and starve you for months. You won't see a sign of food of water in his castle and he'll make you work as his servant. It felt quite nostalgic when I found myself telling this tale to my 3 year old baby cousin when he was not eating his food, I was babysitting him. This tale has been passed on from generations and it'll continue to pass on for centuries.

For my mom's family, it was '8 handed monster'. If you don't eat your food and sleep on time then this monster will come to you when you're sleeping and dig 8 holes on your stomach with his 8 hands. My mom was a good girl in her days because of this monster.

Which Monster or Ghoul haunted your childhood?

Who was your childhood fear?
Who was your childhood fear?
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