Should I be allowed to have a guy sleep over over in a room I rent?


I go to school full time and work part time. I currently live with my family and pay my mom $500 a month in rent— although she is a high earner and can pay rent herself, she says I owe her this money from her raising me as a child which is fair because I am 25 ( been paying this since I was 22) and should be paying rent. I recently started talking to a guy about two months ago and he says he wants to sleep over my house (we usually go to his). My mom is very argumentative and doesn’t like to be seen outside/inside the house and doesn’t like people and even though we have six bedrooms we never have guest ( 3 people including me live here). I want to ask my mom if he can sleep over but I’m afraid she will dismiss me. I don't know if I’m in the right to bring in a guest because after all it is her house but on one hand I do post rent. any advice on how I should ask her?

Should I be allowed to have a guy sleep over over in a room I rent?
2 Opinion