I barely have any friends and it makes me so sad?

hey guys, i used to have a good group of friends years ago, but we fell apart. they still hangout with each other, however they don’t invite me anywhere. they used to but not anymore. they don’t invite me anywhere anymore because i always said no to anywhere they invite me to. because they always invited me to the bars and clubs and that’s not my scene plus i had a boyfriend so i would have always much rather hangout with him. now all he does is hangout with his friends more than he does with me and i stay home. i’m tired of the life i live. i feel like i’m not a good friend and it makes me so sad. I don't know what to do anymore. i don’t want to be home anymore and i want to hangout with my friends. whenever i try to make an effort to hangout with them they are always busy and it makes me sad. i just want some friends ☹️
I barely have any friends and it makes me so sad?
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