Differences of opinions in family members?

So I've come to the decision to drop my hours from 35 to 21 when little one starts school. In a catch up call with my aunt I said to her I'm dropping my hours and before I can get another word in, she states why are you doing that can't you work around her school. To which I can, but I don't really want to, as these are the years that really matter in her life and I want to be more involved than I have been. But my aunt got really accusatory then asked how I would afford that, to which I said dropping my hours would only lose me about £200 a month. Then she said well that's the difference between being able to do your monthly shopping or not. To me it's the difference between shopping in a charity shop or a high street shop. But she seemed to be offended that I'm dropping my hours.

The other thing she's made a big issue of, is me doing things without the little one. She's asked me if I've gone out and I've then explained my day. Then huffed and said no I mean you, what have you done. I personally don't get it, I've chosen to have a kid, I could have aborted her, but I couldn't go through with it, and I thank myself every day as I'd have regretted it for the rest of my life. But I'm perfectly fine with the life I have, a part of me envies the life of going about things traditionally with a lovely guy and everything. But I made my bed, now it's time to continue living my life. Going out without my daughter almost seems weird, since she's been born I've done it maybe four/five times. The times I don't see her when she's awake is when I'm working and she's at childcare.

Then again I know she wouldn't understand as she's the type to go to spas weekly and 3-6 holidays a year with many UK weekends out, and take outs several times a week. Shows and concerts every month or two. She also doesn't have kids herself.

Is it wrong to drop hours or to not care about doing things away from my child. Soon I'm going to take us to a festival and have a tent camping together.
Differences of opinions in family members?
4 Opinion