My mother in law is toxic, I have some concerns?


Well this is probably a common complaint but I have serious concerns

mother in law always needs to have her way and is manipulative and never sees things logically. Always nice to my face but any sort of SMALL disagreement and she will tell her daughter “are you sure you want to marry him” .. quite pathetic.

She very detached from reality. She doesn’t work and has a bottomless pit of money from her husband. For this reason she encourages her daughter to go for expensive things in life that we can’t afford. When I put my foot down she’ll say things like “well he should cancel his gym membership and sell his car for something cheaper”

The list goes on and on but here’s my concern. My fiance sees her mothers flaws she’s not dumb.. but she feels too guilty to go against her mother so will always defend her. Honestly I understand that.. and I don’t talk bad about her mother. I just listen and put my foot down when necessary.. I shrug off comments such as I’m not right for her etc.. my blood boils but I know nothing good would come from speaking the truth to my finance

my concern is that my fiance lets her mom deep dive fully into our lives rather than keeping boundaries. She lets her mom control her and tell her what to do. There’s no way for me to stop this. But it makes me think having kids with my future wife will be a mistake.. would give this old hag an opportunity to wedge herself further into my life and brainwash my kids.. I hate toxic people I really do especially when I can’t deal with them the way I’d like to

Suggestione and advice are welcome

My mother in law is toxic, I have some concerns?
4 Opinion