What happens if everyone in a country has the SAME FAMILY NAME?

What happens if everyone in a country has the SAME FAMILY NAME?

A scientific projection by a professor, and an older Japanese law, has forecast that Sato will become the only family name for everyone in Japan by 2531. The law requires a married couple to use just one name, and 95% of the time the wife changes her name to match her husband's.

Here's the story...

Everyone in Japan will be called Sato by 2531 unless marriage law changed, says professor

If that actually happens, what effect do you think it will have. Will everyone have to be called by their first name, or maybe by a government-issued number?

Could this happen in your country?

Feel free to post an opinion below.

Iceland, by the way, is similar in that it holds onto the old patronymic (increasingly matronymic) custom whereby the child is given its father’s or mother’s Christian name and is referred to as the son or daughter of, meaning many people have similar names; the two most common Iceland surnames are Jónsson (son of Jón) and Jónsdóttir (daughter of Jón).

What happens if everyone in a country has the SAME FAMILY NAME?
9 Opinion