Is he changing for me?

The guy I've been seeing has adapted a few different habits. At first I thought that they were just an extension of his being generally uneasy with life and wanting to shake things up a bit, but a friend of mine told me that the only reason a guy changes his routine is for a girl. Not sure if that's true. Here are some of the changes:

Correspondence: He usually only uses text, but with me has gone through all sort of alternate networks to keep in touch, then informs me that he doesn't usually use all those other sources, just texting.

Eating: He's a big meat-and-potatoes guy, but with me has small quantities, lots of veggies and tea rather than coffee.

Exercise: He's started working out every day, which he wasn't doing for a long time.

Activities: He seems restless/bored with his routine and is always asking if I want company.

Reporting: He tends to tell me exactly what he's doing and where he's going to be, which has gotten me into doing the same thing, lol. I've never actually seen a guy do that on a daily basis.

We're just friends, but I like him and could see us going further. I'm just not sure if he's changing because he's developing feelings for me OR if it's just a point in his life where he has to change something and is generally restless.

He's changing for you to impress you with the influence you have on him.
He's restless and just generally looking for changes.
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Is he changing for me?
3 Opinion