Should I stay friends with my best friend, after rejection?

As we all knows, girls like to say "lets just be friends" to let you down... few however DO want to be friends. I'm gonna keep this short and concise :D

Long story short: Became best friends with this girl that rejected me when I FIRST MET her. She DOES genuinely care for me, listen to me, etc etc over our friendship of 8 months. Basically, she IS a true friend. She does however keep rejecting my romantic advances, and yes I did tell her I loved her down the road... which leads to my next point

Because I talked to her JUST TO DATE HER... and I can't and REFUSE to rid myself of my own feelings for her... I keep "breaking up" our friendship over and over... and today it happened for the final time I'm sure

I'm still torn though.. I can either "Settle" and be her friend, and she gets what she wants(my friendship) while I get nothing, or walk away from the friendship. The reason why I'm torn is that she IS a true friend... but at the same time I have my own needs too, I'm a guy too that's standing up for he wants by walking away
Stay friends
Walk away from the friendship
Other (post what)
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Should I stay friends with my best friend, after rejection?
14 Opinion