Boyfriends clingy female friend.

I'm just wondering why my boyfriend hangs out with his best female friend and never invites me. I feel like if it is truly innocent then there should be no problem with me coming along. I asked him about this and it just results in a fight with him saying I don't trust him. My argument is that after dating him for 2 1/2 years that I feel like my feelings as his girlfriend should come before some other girls (non family members) because I am his woman. If she wanted to talk to him about something private (which I don't know what that could be but whatever) then that is the beauty of texting/calling. He always says she just wants it to be her and him but that makes me weary of her even though I know my boyfriend wouldn't cheat on me like I feel like I could gain a friend if she just let me in. All of my friends said it is obvious she likes him as more then a friend otherwise my presence wouldn't be an issue. What are your thoughts is she out of line to demand alone time with someone else's man or am I being unreasonable to expect my boyfriend to put his foot down and put my feelings first?
Boyfriends clingy female friend.
3 Opinion