23 Years Old, Lonely, No Friends For Almost 5 Years... What Do I Do? Is It Escapable? My Life Story In Brevity.

In short, I was never really the guy with a whole bunch of friends and a slew of people texting me on my phone constantly as I went...
5 7

What’s Tiger Moms and How to Identify One

If you’re from Asia, you must be familiar with this. If not, be patient with me and I run you through it. Tiger moms are what we...
8 8

How can I deal with almost never being invited?

I thought I had finally found some friends. The history There are mainly four girls in my class that I really like and who I invite...
9 12

My adventurous, adrenaline-craving parents

Given the recent comments on the take where I outlined some pros and cons of me travelling on my own , I've decided that I need to tell...
2 3

The importance of safe spaces and loving environments.

I hope that for most of you, this Take sounds stupid and like common sense. But I know that for some of you, this will come as a...
4 3

Forget happiness; find joy and share it!

In all spectrums of life, people encounter days of good and of bad. Each day results from the decisions of a person's life choices,...
2 7

What makes a good friend

I have many friends but none that really match the kind of friends that make up a true friend. Not that any friend is perfect but those...
18 19

Friends making fun of you behind your back?

My brother told me that some of my "friends" making fun of me behind my back because i told them about my problem with my ex and they...

Would it be ok if I asked this girl if I can add her on facebook?

so there is this 18 year girl who is new at my job she's only been here for a month i was thinking about asking her if i can add her on...

Is a narcissist a demanding my way or the highway kind of person?

Occassionally I meet these people who think I'm just going to drop everything at a moment's notice and run over and cater to their...

A kid I grew up with sexually assaulted me and somehow it was my fault. How?

So there’s this guy who I grew up with and we have know each other since kindergarten. Our moms are best friends, we’ve gone camping...

Have You Ever Been In A Physical Altercation?

Did you win? I've only lost one fight in my life and that was in elementary school... Boy was pulling my pigtails... Told him to stop...

I feel uncomfortable around my stepdad even though he does nothing wrong?

I used to be very close with my stepdad but ever since quarantine or even before I feel uncomfortable around him and I don’t know why....

Do you think its better to just have one child and give them your undivided attention or do you think every child needs at least one sibling?

I’m sure it also matters if the kids are close in age range... and if you’re a single parent... but feel free to also share your own...
37 73

If your partner decides to punish your kid with physical pain, would you agree with it?

I personally would kick his testicles, if he tries to hit or spank my kid. Nobody can touch my kid like that. I am not going to carry a...
15 28

If you could only have ONE of these two in life WHICH WOULD IT BE: kids or pets?

Im not a fan of pets, so easy one for me 🤷‍♀️ Kids for this baby crazy lady. But what about you? What do you choose #FeelFreeToList...
34 66


I don't know why he just popped up in my head, but now I feel like talking about him. My brother in law is a smooth talking con...
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Have you ever tried subliminals?

My friend said that she recovered from depression with a combination of healthy lifestyle, prayer, and subliminal message videos. She...
5 15

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