Are you shy/outgoing and which do you usually prefer to approach/date?

I talk A LOT and will talk about anying with anyone, but I’m still sorta shy in terms of meet/greets. Like in person, it usually takes 2 hours or so for me to warm up. But after a day or two, I’m not as shy. Now if we haven't seen eachother in a while, the shyness starts over no matter who they are. And this goes for both in-person and video chat.

I personally go for guys who are loners and shy because it oddly makes me feel more outgoing. Sometimes I like a challenge so I like to lead the conversation and bring the guy out of his shell. HOWEVER, if a guy hasn't reached his comfortzone with me within 3 days, I’ll start to distance myself and go back into my shell until one of us ghosts the other. I’m not about to work overtime for someone who’s hardly showing the same interest.
I’m more on the shy side and prefer someone who's more outgoing
I’m more on the shy side and prefer someone whos also shy
I’m more outgoing and prefer someone who is also outgoing
I’m more outgoing and prefer someone who is more shy
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Damn the polls shows that a lot of us are shy haha
Are you shy/outgoing and which do you usually prefer to approach/date?
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