14 d

Girls, Do you want a guy to ask when he makes a move on you or just do it?


I flirted with this guy and he flirted back and he asked me out and he made the first move to touch me, boldly. He's really tall and muscular and my head reaches just above his shoulder. He's adventurous and has travelled many countries and has lots of stories about it. When I listen to him tell these stories I feel like I am in love. He sometimes touches my arm when he walks by me, and he has hugged me a few times too, and once, he lifted my shirt and exposed my belly and I said "hey don't do that" while smiling. I like that he likes me this much and is confident about making a move.

Ask me first
Just do it
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Girls, Do you want a guy to ask when he makes a move on you or just do it?
5 Opinion